10 Things I Wish I Knew as an Undergrad

Price: ₦1,500.00
10 Things I Wish I Knew as an Undergrad is a compendium of ten actual things the author of this book wished she had known or done while she was an undergrad at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. This book is written in a clear, easy, and warm style, drawing from the real-life and personal experiences of the author; the essence of which is to create an awakening in the hearts and minds of the readers (notably students preparing to get into or are already students of higher institutions in Nigeria) to realize that they have very limited time to spend as undergrads, hence the need to utilize and maximize every moment and opportunity appropriately in preparation for life after school. At the end of each chapter, the author has included a list of practical action steps that you, as a reader, can quickly begin to implement to set you up for success after graduation. If you desire a fulfilling career and professional life after school, then this book is a must-read for you.
